Are we ready to engineer intelligence?
Very fundamental question, but rarely asked by budding data science practitioners. I found that many are getting lost in learning a language or using a package to implement an algorithm or tweaking the data set to improve the results. Its not a bad thing, but it will not break the barrier either
Reflecting on the question with my friend, some fantastic thoughts came out which many can relate and brew upon.
Fundamental traits that drive human intelligence is CURIOSITY & IMAGINATION, now the question is how do you engineer them?
“Quest should start on engineering curiosity and map to our best possible imagination of the world we want around us“
I marked above statement in quotes because its profoundly challenging goal to chase for building intelligent machines that can reach human parity in thinking.
To all AI aspirants, remember that:
- AI is not an API
- Move from deterministic outcomes to probabilistic predictions
- EXPLAIN the FUZZINESS (sounds oxymoron, but that’s the expectation)
- Make decisions, but remember that your decision is one possible combination out of millions of permutations and combinations – Remember Dr. Strange from Avengers!!!
- Derive insights from your data and validate them with reality
Humans are constantly forced to make decisions between options that differ on multiple dimensions by asking-
“Should I decide based on familiar tradition or try new things for novelty driven by CURIOSITY and IMAGINATION?”
I don’t think today’s artificial intelligence is nowhere close, because our approach to predictions is based on patterns and not options!!!