Data insights on our Diet – Part 3 Proteins Consumption

Proteins are essential elements in our body and vital for many functions of our metabolism, muscle strength, DNA replication, cell structure and cell transport etc. Proteins are short lived and get created and degraded through our cells.

Checkout good short video on Protein from YouTube

On a dietary side, proteins are related to energy consumption which we saw in my previous post. In order to maintain healthy body function, right balance of proteins is essential. In my experience in dealing with old age parents, I saw many combinations of foods and supplements to maintain proteins in the body for fighting the diseases and maintaining immunity

Now, lets look at the data on proteins across countries

From the protein consumption graph above, we see that in US population most of the proteins come from milk-based products and animal products. Indians have a smaller percentage of protein from animal products but a larger percentage from vegetal products, cereals and spices. In Japan, where the marine food is the primary source, a smaller percentage of protein comes from animal products but a slightly larger percentage from vegetal products, while a significant larger percentage of proteins obtained from fish and seafood.

One important observation is that both US and Japan have more distribution of protein sources across the various food they consume compared to India. In the Indian population, protein sources are dominant only in few categories

In our next segment, we will collect and present food supply across these countries which will indicate how the people consume the diets based on the supply chain which will indicate the impact on FAT, Energy & protein consumption.

Stay tuned….