Technology disruption and Evolution
I have been interacting with many young professionals on new trends in technologies and about enabling AI in various scenarios. No matter which sector of people I interact with, there is always one consistent question.
“Is the technology taking away my job, would machines replace Humans – What will I do if machines do everything?”
I was trying to find a good answer, or rather a good perspective to share and let the individual reflect on it.
Thanks to my entrepreneur brother Shailu Tipparaju, he gifted the book where I found the answer, its books aptly titled “What To Do When Machines Do Everything” written by Malcom Frank, Paul Roehrig & Ben Pring. Excellent read for all the technocrats and gives excellent coverage on evolution.
Here is perspective from the book that I was looking for on technology disruption
Reference from Book – What to Do When Machines Do Everything
Historically if we observe every transformation starting from coal revolution in 1800 or power using electricity or oil in 1900, things start with very low value proposition and investments spent, comparatively . As the trend catches and value is evident in few areas, society start to take a note and raises the questions on the viability, feasibility and fundamental questioning, whether its going to doom our relevance as humans. This turn of events is called as “Stall Zone”. It is a zone of decision to evaluate and embrace the change. Historical insights have shown that, one who doesn’t transform themselves to change at this stall zone end up going back to old ways and finally closing down the shop.
Here the key lesson is that it not the transformation trend that takes away the jobs or opportunities, it exactly the opposite, it is resistance to adopt the change that kills the growth. This is exactly what is happening with Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) today. Questions have been raised whether AI would replace humans in future , I would say it will be exactly the opposite, people who don’t embrace the change will be replaced by people who change.
“We always overestimate the change that will occur in next 2 years and underestimate the change that will occur in next 10”
– Bill Gates
Lets build our future by embracing the change-
Prepare for the Change!!!